The Groundhog Lodges and Versammlinge of Pennsylvania

Groundhog Lodge Number 17

Grundsau Lodsch Nummer Siwwezeh am Union Kanaal (Groundhog Lodge Number 17 on the Union Canal) always meets on the third Friday in January.

The lodge was established in 1982.  This year is the 43rd meeting of the lodge, and it will be meeting at Mount Aetna Rescue Fire Company, 105 Tanner St., Mount Aetna, PA, 17067 on January 20, 2024 at 6:43 pm.

You can also contact the lodge via its Facebook page:

The lodge meeting is conducted almost entirely in Pennsylvania Dutch.

Tickets normally need to be reserved at least two weeks prior to the event. Please use the contact page to receive information on how to get tickets.