The Groundhog Lodges and Versammlinge of Pennsylvania

Groundhog Lodge Number 16

Grundsau Lodsch Nummer Sechzeh am Yahden (Groundhog Lodge Number 16 on the Jordan) always meets on the first Friday in March.

The lodge was established in 1972.  This year is the 53rd meeting of the lodge, and it will be meeting at Northern Valley EMS Ambulance of Coplay, 2375 Levans Road, Coplay, PA, 18037 on March 7, 2025 at 6:30 pm.

The lodge meeting is conducted entirely in Pennsylvania Dutch.

Tickets normally need to be reserved at least two weeks prior to the event. Please use the contact page to receive information on how to get tickets.

The lodge will also be having the tenth gathering at Wehr’s Dam, Orefield, PA at 7:00 a.m. on February 2, 2025. They will watch for the groundhog, Yahdee, to arrive by coming down the Jordan River. Following Yahdee’s arrival, they will sing PA Dutch songs, pledge to the flag (in dialect), then anxiously await to hear what Yahdee has to say about the coming of spring. Everyone is invited to come by and enjoy this annual event.

Tickets normally need to be reserved at least two weeks prior to the meeting.